NEW!!!! Bento & Baking Accessories

NEW!!!! Bento & Baking Accessories

Animal Picks

Manufactured by: Torune (Japan)
Model: BB2815

Shipping Weights: 200gram

RM 16.00


The Animal Forked Bento Picks is a very cute and useful set of decorative bento accessories that lets you present your meals and recipes in a very original and kawaii fashion.

The set comes with 8 forked picks featuring very colourful and adorable characters of dogs, cats, rabbits and bears.

The three prongs on each pick serves to let you double them up as miniature forks that you may use to tuck in your bento too.

  • Made in China, imported from Japan, product of Torune, 100% authentic.
  • Material: PS 
  • Weight : 13g
  • Measurement: Cat : L4.1 cm, Rabbit : L4.6 cm,Dog : L4 cm & Bears : L4 cm

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